Principle Investigator
이상봉 Sang Lee
Associate Professor
Department of Aerospace Engineering
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST)
Room 3307, N7-2 Buiding
Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2009
M.S. in Mechanical Engineering - Stanford University, 2002
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering - Yonsei University, 1999
Assistant, Associate Professor, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 2019 - present
Assistant Professor, University of New Mexico, U.S.A., 2016 - 2019
Engineer III, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, U.S.A., 2013 - 2016
Postdoc, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, U.S.A., 2010 - 2013
Sergeant (mandatory military service), 52nd Infantry Division Korean Army, 2002 - 2004
신승윤 Seungyun Shin
PhD student, 2014 - present
Room 3312, N7-2 Building
김혜빈 Hyebin Kim
PhD student, 2020 - present
Room 3312, N7-2 Building
정태빈 Taebin Jung
PhD student, 2020 - present
Room 3312, N7-2 Building
Research interest: Hypersonic flow
Turbulent boundary layer
이예담 Yedam Lee
PhD student, 2023 - present
Room 3312, N7-2 Building
권혁민 Hyeokmin Kwon
PhD student, 2023 - present
Room 3312, N7-2 Building
강유주 Yujoo Kang
PhD student, 2023- present
Room 3312, N7-2 Building
Research interest: Shock-turbulence boundary layer interaction
High performance computing
Wind turbine wake effect
Moosarreza Shokati
PhD student, 2024- present
Room 3312, N7-2 Building
Research interest: Integration of Wind Turbines with Smart Grid Technologies
Advanced Control Systems for Wind Turbine Performance Optimization
윤승환 SeungHwan Yun
MS student, 2022- present
Room 3312, N7-2 Building
김용재 Yongjae Kim
MS student, 2023- present
Room 3312, N7-2 Building
Research interest: Future transportation system
Turbulence modeling
양병헌 Byeongheon Yang
MS student, 2023- present
Room 3312, N7-2 Building
Research interest: Actuator-Line-Method (ALM) for
wind turbine modelling
Ong Jesslyn Wei Yan
MS student, 2023- present
Room 3312, N7-2 Building
Research interest: Hypersonic flow
Supersonic Retro-propulsion
강민재 Minjae Kang
MS student, 2024- present
Room 3312, N7-2 Building
Research interest: GPU parallel computing
권태연 Taeyeon Kwon
MS student, 2024- present
Room 3312, N7-2 Building
Research interest: Rotary wing aerodynamics
Parallel computation
이은찬 Eunchan Lee
MS student, 2024- present
Room 3312, N7-2 Building
Research interest: Machine learning
Wind turbine wake prediction
GPU parallel computing
조병현 Byeonghyun Cho
MS student, 2024- present
Room 3312, N7-2 Building
Research interest: Hypersonic flow
Supersonic Retro-propulsion
박상현 Sanghyun Park
Post-doctoral fellow (2022)
Current affiliation: 국방과학연구소
정성문 Seongmun Jung
Post-doctoral fellow (2023)
Current affiliation: LG전자
Rubel Das
PhD's degree (2024, University of New Mexico)
Brad Philipbar
Master's degree(2019, University of New Mexico)
Sterling Olson -
Master's degree(2019, University of New Mexico)
여현민 Hyunmin Yeo
Master's degree (2022)
Current affiliation: 삼성전자
Yisehak Abreham Keflemariam
Master's degree (2023)
Current affiliation: Ph.D Candidate at Pennsylvania State University
박준범 Junbeom Park
Master's degree (2024)
Current affiliation: 국방과학연구소
이동현 Donghyun Lee
Master's degree (2025)